Climate Resilient AgricultureEducational/Training Posters Series

These posters are based on key messages derived from a sourcebook of reading/reference materials in a companion production entitled "Towards Climate Resilience in Agriculture for Southeast Asia - An Overview for Decision-makers". They were produced by CIAT with CCAFs funding for an FP1.1 project entitled Integrated agricultural technologies for enhanced adaptive capacity and resilient livelihoods in climate-smart villages (CSVs) of Southeast Asia€. These posters are designed for use in training or educational events, primarily for starting discussions on important issues facing agriculture in a changing climate. The poster series cover a range of topics/ issues related to climate change in agriculture.They can be used one at a time, and not necessarily in any particular sequence. These pictures can also be enlarged to serve as educational posters, displayed one at a time. They can be used in power point presentations . The illustrations can serve as prototypes for local adaptation and further improvement by local artists. Any use of the illustrations should provide adequate credits to the source

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Title Climate Resilient AgricultureEducational/Training Posters Series
Description These posters are based on key messages derived from a sourcebook of reading/reference materials in a companion production entitled "Towards Climate Resilience in Agriculture for Southeast Asia - An Overview for Decision-makers". They were produced by CIAT with CCAFs funding for an FP1.1 project entitled Integrated agricultural technologies for enhanced adaptive capacity and resilient livelihoods in climate-smart villages (CSVs) of Southeast Asia€. These posters are designed for use in training or educational events, primarily for starting discussions on important issues facing agriculture in a changing climate. The poster series cover a range of topics/ issues related to climate change in agriculture.They can be used one at a time, and not necessarily in any particular sequence. These pictures can also be enlarged to serve as educational posters, displayed one at a time. They can be used in power point presentations . The illustrations can serve as prototypes for local adaptation and further improvement by local artists. Any use of the illustrations should provide adequate credits to the source
Agroecology Category
  • Integrated systems
  • Input reduction and recycling
  • Soil health
  • Economy and income
  • Sustainable food system
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate
  • Natural resources governance
  • Water management
  • Equity
Agroecology Keyword
  • Agroforestry
  • Plant health
  • Soil health
  • Income
  • Food security
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate change
  • Climate smart agriculture
  • Land management
  • Landscape approach
  • Water management
  • Vulnerable group
Contributing organisations CIAT
Author Julian Gonsalves
Year 2016
Type of document Poster or Illustration
Language English
Spatial Information
Country Southeast Asia
Administrative Level 1
Administrative Level 2
Web Link