Farmers’ Voices

What do the farmers of Laos talk about when they get together? What are farmers saying about environment and rural livelihood? What do they consider to be their most valuable assets? What are their most trusted sources of advice? What do they think about the changes taking place around them? And what type of future do farmers want for themselves and their family?

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Type of ALiSEA product None
Title Farmers’ Voices
Description What do the farmers of Laos talk about when they get together? What are farmers saying about environment and rural livelihood? What do they consider to be their most valuable assets? What are their most trusted sources of advice? What do they think about the changes taking place around them? And what type of future do farmers want for themselves and their family?
Agroecology Category
  • Seed management
  • Soil health
  • Economy and income
  • Sustainable food system
  • Climate
  • Knowledge and values
Agroecology Keyword
  • Annual crop
  • Soil quality
  • Cash crop
  • Income
  • Food security
  • Climate change
  • Drought
  • Beliefs
Contributing organisations MAF
Author NAFES
Year 2010
Type of document Factsheet
Language English
Spatial Information
Country Lao PDR
Administrative Level 1
Administrative Level 2
Web Link