Agroecology is a process. You cannot expect a process to be perfect immediately. But once you make a step, you are moving.€€”Jowelia Mukiibi, farmer, UgandaFrom the 10th to the 13th of May 2016, the AgroEcology Fund (AEF) and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) brought together 70 people representing 30 organizations to share experiences and ideas about amplifying agroecology. True to its name, this Learning Exchange aimed to facilitate learning and crosspollination of ideas among grantees, advisors and funders of the AEF, and to explore synergies to further the global agroecology movement. The meeting was held at St. Jude’s Family Projects, a demonstration farm and training center for agroecology based in Masaka, Uganda.This report aims to capture the proceedings as well as the rich and valuable sharing that took place at the Exchange.