policy brief Boosting the demand for organic productsThe role of consumer...
A brief overview of Boosting the demand for organic products: The role of consumer trust and product availability€ -
Adoption of Organic Rice for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh
Bangladesh now needs to thank its soil health, environment and human health for the country being almost self-sufficient in rice production. The present study has been... -
Organic (Participatory Guarantee System) PGS system initiative in Myanmar...
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Consumer Preferences Study in Regards to Organic, Clean and Safe...
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Agroecological practicesfrom the point of view of a development practitioner
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Asean Guidelines On soil and nutrient management_Version Lao, English (Final Draft)
Soil and nutrient management is an integrated system to manage soils, nutrients, water and crops in a sustainable manner to optimise crop production and maintain/improve soil... -
Organic (Participatory Guarantee System)PGS initiative in Myanmar
This presentation for a brief overview Myanmar Organic Grower and producer Association (MOGPA), PGS initiative in Myanmar -
Challenges of local market development for small holder ecologically...
This presentation for a brief overview Challenges of local market development for small holder ecologically friendly products in Myanmar, at Region academic conference... -
Agroecology, a diversity of concepts, definition and practices
This presentation for Regional Academic Conference on Agroecology in the Mekong Region, Yezin Agriculture University, Myanmar, 24th January 2017 -
Agroecological Practicesthe point of view of a development practitioner
This presentation for GRET Ayeyarwaddy delta of Myanmar 21/03/2017 -
ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN Biocontrol)
Presentation for a brief overview of the project ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN Biocontrol)€ -
Cambodian Organic Agriculture Association (COrAA) Group Certification in Cambodia
Presentation for a brief overview Cambodian Organic Agriculture Association (COrAA) -
Overview of the Organic Certification in the Mekong Region
Presentation for Overview of the Organic Certification in the Mekong Region -
Experience on organic winter potato business in conditions of small farmers...
Winter season up down more and more by year because that income from winter season is very lower in comparison with other activities in Ha noi. For this reason Science Institute... -
Market opportunities for agro-ecology products from Myanmar
Pesentation for Market opportunities for agro-ecology products from Myanmar -
Agro ecology Transition in Myanmar
Presentation for Agro ecology Transition in Myanmar, on March,7-8 2016, Myanmar -
Ibis Rice
Presentation of Ibis Rice: The brand Wildlife Friendly™ premium, Certified Wildlife Friendly from WCS -
The Bolaven Plateau Coffee Producers Cooperative
The Bolaven Plateau Coffee Producers Cooperative An organization to improve living conditions of Lao coffee smallholdersThis presentation talking about a model organization for... -
Organic by defaultMyth or Reality? Evidence from the Lao PDR
Presentation talking about differences between organic and non-organic farmers in terms of education, endowments, farming and marketing practices and performances -
This study aims to confirm relationship of determinants of demand for organic agriculture products in Chiang Mai. Self-administerred questionnaires was sent out to respondents...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.