Agricultural Sector Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018 (Cambodia)
This Agricultural Sector Strategic Development Plan (2014 €“ 2018) was prepared with accordance with the policy goals of Royal Government of Cambodia, the National Strategic... -
Agricultural Extension Policy in Cambodia
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Cambodia tries to develop the "Extension Services for Better Well-being,€ this agricultural extension policy document aims... -
Assessment of policies and public service impact rice cultivation technique...
The paper indicates the applying of SRI, the lessons and advantages of SRI in Vietnam. It also presents a comparison of techniques between the SRI and conventional rice... -
Consumer perceptions of organic food in the Lao PDR
In general the document indicates the current perceptions and attitudes of end-users (customers, traders, restaurants) towards organic food in the Lao PDR. -
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)overview and reflections
This document brings informations about PGS: definition, history, repartition around the world, how this guarantee system works, his strengths and challenges. After this general... -
Food safety advocacy program for small-scale vegetable production
After giving a general context on the need of this study and details on methodology, this paper present the current situation of Vietnam in relation to PGS. This study allows... -
Agroecology. A response to the Agricultural and Food Challenges of the 21st century
To replace agroecology in a global context and to mention the conditions required for developing agroecology.This document is written in two parts: the first one describes... -
Agriculture at a crossroads - Global Report
This document is the synthesis of IAASTD studies on international agriculture, it is a global assessment. It presents the conclusions of several experts on different issues. -
COVID-19 building back greener and more resilientContributions of...
Besides the severe health crisis, the COVID-19 epidemic also caused the global economy to contract at a rate not seen since the Second World War and led to a severe increase of... -
Policy BriefIssue No. 2Impact of Covid-19 on Agriculture in the Asia-Pacific...
The impact of the coronavirus disease pandemic on the agricultural sector has brought unprecedented challenges in the Asia-Pacific region. At this juncture, it is important to... -
Policy BriefIssue No. 1Promoting an Enabling Environment for the Private...
For the purpose of this policy brief, the €˜private sector’ in relation to agricultural mechanization is understood to comprise of four groups of economic actors: (1) farmers,... -
Mechanization of AgricultureMarket Dynamics in China, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand
Given multiple challenges, such as a growing population, poverty, and the adverse impacts of climate change that the farming community faces, agriculture mechanization plays a... -
NAFRI Research BriefLeveraging Geo-Economic Proximity and Agricultural...
The purpose of this research brief is to synthesize the findings of ten policy research studies conducted by NAFRI’s Policy Think Tank (PTT) research team between 2016 and 2020,... -
Building an Evidence Base for Policy Formulation in the Agriculture and...
In June 2012, the Government of the Lao PDR, with the support of development partners, established a Policy Think Tank as part of the Sector Working Group on Agriculture and... -
Lao People’s Democratic RepublicSustainable Commercialization in the Coffee...
Sustainable commercialisation of agriculture for the local market and for exports is one of the key pillars of the sustainable development policy of Lao People’s Democratic... -
Managing our natural resources for a better life in the villages of...
Huaphan Province is diversity of natural bamboo forest. Recognizing this potential since 2009, GRET through its Bamboo and Rattan project with the Houaphanh government and its... -
LIVING LANDSCAPES Embracing Agro-Biodiversity in Northern Laos
The Lao uplands have long been recognized for their rich agro-biodiversity. Home to globally important species of animals, plants, and micro-organisms, this agro-biodiversity is... -
Impact Story - AFOSP
Farmers who are coming from 10 member states of ASEAN ,These impact stories of our beneficiaries throughout the four years implementation of AFOSP and how their effort of... -
ASEAN Action Plan on Fall Armyworm Control
The Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) was first reported in Southeast Asia in late 2018 in Thailand and Myanmar. It has since rapidly spread, and its presence is now... -
Rapid Assessment of Food Security and Agriculture in Lao PDR
While there have been just 19 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) to date in Lao PDR, the country €“ as with other countries around the world €“ has been...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.