CALAO project Agro-ecology capitalization of experiences in West Africa
This is a summary note of CALAO project in West Africa _Version French and English -
EUROPLANTPflanzenzucht GmbH
This presentation for Dissemination Workshop on the Potato Varieties Testing for the Production in Cambodia, 29 March 2018 -
Vietnam Food Safety Risks Management
A report on food safety was produced by the World Bank and partner at the request of government of Vietnam. This policy brief summaries the key finding and recommendation. -
Briefing Note Pesticide Use in Lao PDRHealth and Environmental...
This Policy Brief is an output of the Sub Sector Working Group for Farmers and Agribusiness (SSWG-FAB). Data collection and analysis was supported by the Lao Upland Rural... -
Adoption of Organic Rice for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh
Bangladesh now needs to thank its soil health, environment and human health for the country being almost self-sufficient in rice production. The present study has been... -
Farmer Field School for Tomato Intergraded Pest Management A Facilitator’s...
This guide is meant as a reference for IPM FFS facilitators. It describes exercises for the farmer field school learning process relating to sustainable potato cultivation. This... -
Biochar, climate change and soilA review to guide future research
Biochar is the charred by-product of biomass pyrolysis, the heating of plant-derived material in the absence of oxygen in order to capture combustible gases. The objective of... -
Tomato-Integrated Pest ManagementAn Ecological Guide
This ecological guide is developed by the FAO Inter-Country Programme for IPM in vegetables in South and Southeast Asia. It is an updated version of the Tomato IPM Ecological... -
Agroecology and the Search for a Truly Sustainable Agriculture - 1st edition
There is increasing evidence that warns that the growing push toward industrialization and globalization of the world’s agriculture and food supply imperils the future of... -
Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID)
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
ECHOIntroduction and Overview
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Conservation Agriculture in MyanmarReview paper
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Saw Htoo BawSmall farmer with big dreams!
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Agroecological practicesfrom the point of view of a development practitioner
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Asean Guidelines On soil and nutrient management_Version Lao, English (Final Draft)
Soil and nutrient management is an integrated system to manage soils, nutrients, water and crops in a sustainable manner to optimise crop production and maintain/improve soil... -
Rural Development Agency RDA
This presentation for brief introduction Rural Development Agency for Thematic Workshop Bringing Agroecology to the Market: Innovative Market Approaches and Institutional... -
Chamchuree Kankham Vermiculture farming (EQ FARM) Young Smart Farmer (YSF) Thailand
This presentation for an introduction Chamchuree Kankham Vermiculture farming (EQ FARM)€ Young Smart Farmer (YSF) Thailand. For Mekong Extension Learning Alliance 3rd MELA... -
Agrobiodiversity Start from school
This presentation for Mekong Extension Learning Alliance 3rd MELA meeting, at Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap on 30 October €“ 1st November 2017, Cambodia -
Current pesticide use behavior and potential for using bio-control agents on...
This presentation for brief overview of Current pesticide use behavior and potential for using bio-control agents on vegetable legumes and brassicas in Cambodia -
Lessons learnt from vegetable IPM package trials
This presentation for a brief overview of Lessons learnt from vegetable IPM package trials, in Cambodia