The diversity of knowledge, Reflection on the agrobiodiversity
ຂໍ້ເມູນ ແລະ ແຫຼ່ງທີ່ມາ
ຊ່ອງຂໍ້ມູນ | ມູນຄ່າ |
ປະເພດຜະລິດຕະພັນຂອງອາລິເຊຍ | ບໍ່ມີ |
ຊື່ເລື່ອງ | The diversity of knowledge, Reflection on the agrobiodiversity |
ຄຳອະທິບາ | knowledged programme, Hivos and Oxfam novib wanted to contribute to solutions for this unfolding drama.This report is the result of a three years knowledge programme of Hivos, Oxfam Novib and civil society organisations and academics working in the field of agricultural biodiversity around the world. It reveals stories of change - changes within people and changes within the programmes of their organisations - related to agricultural |
ໝວດໝູ່ນິເວດກະສິກຳ |
ຄໍາສໍາຄັນດ້ານນິເວດວິທະຍາ |
ອົງການຈັດຕັ້ງປະກອບສ່ວນ | Hivos and Oxfam Novib |
ຜູ້ຂຽນ | Henkjan Laats, Nick Pasciesznik, Edith van Walsum, Janneke Bruil and Danielle Peterson |
ປີ | 2015 |
ປະເພດຂອງເອກະສານ | ບົດລາຍງານ |
ພາສາ | ພາສາອັງກິດ |
ຂໍ້ມູນພື້ນທີ່ | |
ປະເທດ | Global |
ລະດັບບໍລິຫານ 1 | |
ລະດັບບໍລິຫານ 2 | |
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