Climate change impact on rice production and adaptationa case study of salinity intrusion in coastal areas of the Mekong delta, Vietnam

This presentation for a brief overview of Research title Climate change impact on rice production and adaptation: a case study of salinity intrusion in coastal areas of the Mekong delta, Vietnam

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Type of ALiSEA product None
Title Climate change impact on rice production and adaptationa case study of salinity intrusion in coastal areas of the Mekong delta, Vietnam
Description This presentation for a brief overview of Research title Climate change impact on rice production and adaptation: a case study of salinity intrusion in coastal areas of the Mekong delta, Vietnam
Agroecology Category
  • Soil health
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate
Agroecology Keyword
  • Soil fertility
  • Soil quality
  • Intercropping
  • Climate change
  • Drought
Contributing organisations CTU, SEARCA
Author Huynh Viet Khai, Huynh ThiDan Xuan and TranThiThuDuy
Year 0
Type of document Presentation
Language English
Spatial Information
Country Vietnam
Administrative Level 1
Administrative Level 2
Web Link