Farmer Field School Approach for Sustainable Agriculture
Presentation for a brief overview of the Farmer Field School Approach for Sustainable Agriculture in Myanmar by Khin Maung Latt, on 30 October 2014 -
ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN Biocontrol)
Presentation for a brief overview of the project ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN Biocontrol)€ -
Food Technology Project « Secure water to secure food and nutrition»...
Presentation for a brief overview of the project Food Technology Project « Secure water to secure food and nutrition» Cambodia, Laos March 2012 €“ February 2015€ -
Cambodian Organic Agriculture Association (COrAA) Group Certification in Cambodia
Presentation for a brief overview Cambodian Organic Agriculture Association (COrAA) -
Bio Inputs
Presentation for Agro-ecology Workshop Siem Reap, 30-31 October 2014, Cambodia -
Conservation Agriculture for annual upland crops in Cambodia
Presentation for a brief overview Conservation Agriculture for annual upland crops in Cambodia -
Measuring climate resiliencean example of indicators system in the framework...
Presentation for measuring climate resilience: an example of indicators system in the framework of the NU-PCR project in Ngot Ou District, Phongsaly Province, Lao PDR -
We are EFICAS! What performance indicators for assessing agroecology impacts?
Presentation for ALiSEA National Thematic Workshop, Vientiane, 29 November 2016, Lao PDR -
Case study maize/rice bean intercropping, Kham district, Xieng Khouang...
Presentation for Current cropping system, problems of Maize/Rice Bean intercropping, Case study in Kham district, Xieng Khouang province, Lao PDR -
Forestry and Agro-Ecology in Lao rural Uplands (FORAE), Viengkham District,...
Presentation for ALiSEA National Thematic workshop What performance indicators for assessing agroecology impacts€, the 29th of November 2016 -
A small Grant of FIRST project Laos and Cambodia 2017-2018 FIRSTFunctional...
FIRST Project: Functional IndicatoR of Soil ecosystem. The project will contribute to the capacity building of young researchers and practitioners in Laos and Cambodia. Project... -
Overview of the Organic Certification in the Mekong Region
Presentation for Overview of the Organic Certification in the Mekong Region -
AliSEA Annual General Meeting Towards an Agroecology TransitionGreen...
Presentation for Introduction Green Community Development Association (GCDA)€, at Alisea Annual General Meeting Towards an Agroecology Transition€, 24th €“ 25th of July 2017,... -
Fair Trade Laos
Fair Trade Laos is a nonprofit organization, established in 2008 with an aim to contribute to poverty alleviation, especially among vulnerable people, through productive... -
Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI)
ARMI was founded by 15 former CIDSE staff in October 2006; registration application to LUSEA and approved in October 10th, 2006. In 2009, the Decree on association was... -
VAC Integrated System-based Agro-ecology Development
VAC is acronym formed from the three Vietnamese words:- Vuon€ garden or orchard,- AO € fish pond,- Chuong€ : animal shed (stable, pigsty,poultry shed )VAC system stems from... -
Policies and public services on agro-ecological rice productionThe case of...
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) adoption in 5 countries who produce 2/3 of world’s rice (India, Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Cambodia). About 9.5 million farmers use SRI in... -
Traditional wisdom and permaculture knowledge towards agro-ecology...
Presentation for traditional wisdom and permaculture knowledge towards agro-ecology transition for Landscape and Ecosystem’s Sustainability -
Develop Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) A long Organic Product Chain
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) is quality assurance initiatives and to help organic farmers have products need to access to markets.PGS is adopted by IFOAM (2004) as a... -
Conservation Agriculture as an agroecology approach
Pesentation for Conservation Agriculture as an agroecology approach in Vietnam
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.